ROKK MINI Universal Active Camera / Phone Mounting Kit

SKU Code: ROCKMINIPHONE Got a question? Message Us
From £69.99 Total Price Inc VAT
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With the popularity of people creating there own Videos and YouTube content, and the emergence of smart phones and tablets to being an all in 1 centre for everything from watching movies to navigating your way through mountain bike trails ScanStrut has set about creating a set of mounts and accessories that can combine to cover all your gadget mounting needs. From Clamping your phone to your mountain bike handlebars to screw mounts on top of your sailing vessel to take and action Camera the ROKK MINI covers it all.

Specific Compatible Screw camera mounts are available in the accessories range.

The most popular starter piece being the suction Mount Phone Kit that will hold a tablet comfortably from the ceiling for movie viewing , Take a look at ScanStrut on Youtube for videos of all there products in use in  extreme circumstances!





Key Features